Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sweet Jalapeno Chicken

Its been a very busy week for me when it comes to crafting and cooking and being me. Ive upped by gym time to an hour in the morning and an hour at night for Cardio (I'm determined to get back on track). To be honest its not that bad Ive been cycling about 3 times a week its amazing I highly recommend it to anyone. On top of that I've been working on some Xmas stuff for the family and its getting there. Today it was off to the lake for Alumni day and me in my infinite wisdom didn't take a wet suit (the water was cold) , gloves, ski, or a towel for that matter. Can you tell I was not planning to get in the water and well it happened (damn peer pressure). But now I'm home in my nice cozy studio cooking up some chicken and rice, but its not any chicken and rice its Sweet Jalapeno Chicken and rice and it runs about 500 calories. This recipe is for a single serving so if you want it for more people...double it triple it quadruple it (I don't know how to say for multiplying by five so I will stop). This meal takes about 20 minutes to prepare so if you need a quick fix this is your ticket!

Sweet Jalapeno Chicken
1/2 cup rice
1 chicken breast boneless skinless
1 inch of onion ring (cut the onion so you have a 1inch thick ring and quarter to put in with the chicken)
2 grinds of salt3 grinds of pepper
1 teaspoon poultry seasoning
Sweet Jalapeno Sauce (I bought this at the local Farmers Market in Davis and have no idea if you can get it at the grocery store so if anyone knows please let me know!!!)

You will also need 2 pots a small one for the rice and a larger one for the chicken.

First start off with your Chicken it can either be frozen or defrosted. Place enough water in the pot so it covers the chicken with about 1-2 inches of water add Onion, Salt, Pepper, and Poultry Seasoning, Cover the pot and let it boil until cooked (NO PINK on the inside).

Rice, Now this is a warning I'm not good at cooking rice so however your mother taught you go with that. I cook 1/2 cup rice with about 1 1/2 cups of water. if you start the rice after the chicken use some of the chicken stock instead of the water. Cook the rice until its how you like it.

Now when your chicken is done take it out of the pot and cut it up in to smaller pieces. Take your rice and put it in a bowl and place the chicken on top. Now add your Sweet Jalapeno Sauce I used about 2 tablespoons but use as much or as little as you like it creates a sweet and sour type of sauce with a kick! Mix in the sauce with the chicken and rice so it looks like this

Now its grub time 500 calories of deliciousness (especially good on a gloomy day like today!)

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